Yours. By Maruf
Communication & Content Strategy

Stage 1

Identity Development
Identity Elements
Visual Identity
Stories by Yours
Core Messaging
Consistent through all identity elements and communication channels; website, social media, internal and external communication.
Yours. By Maruf is a platform for queer young Muslims between 12 and 25 years old that aims to create a culture rooted in human rights, equality and social justice.
It provides a safe space for young queer Muslims to celebrate their queerness and faith, embracing their self-acceptance and freedom of self-expression.

Yours includes young queer Muslims in societies and engages them in the conversation.
It's their voice, source of inspiration, knowledge and support.

What we do
The 3 main pillars are simple, inviting, and giving freedom of choice the target audience is seeking. The sequence invites young queer Muslims to choose how far they want to connect with us.
Yours is an open source that provides information and knowledge about queerness, Muslimness and embracing oneself.
It's accessible anonymously with no obligation targeting the group of young queers who are underage, doubting the idea of being a queer Muslim and those who lack the confidence to speak up and reveal their real identity.

One step further, the platform provides support, advocacy, and guidance when needed. Young people can reach out online for more information, help, or simply if they need to talk to someone. It is confidential, secure and private; this step can be either anonymous or personal, depending on how comfortable the person is with revealing themselves. It's their choice.

When mutual trust is built, knowledge and support are provided. The person feels comfortable, safe and confident to take a step further. We connect people, meet in person, and engage young queer Muslims with each other and together with supportive communities. We introduce them to the real world, where they feel included, accepted and embraced.

This philosophy reflects self-determination and the concept of "Caring For Eachother". It reinforces Yours core value, " a platform created by queer Muslims for queer Muslims". It's yours. Yours, by Maruf.
Identity Elements
Main Content
Yours' vision aligns with Maruf's but reflects its own values and identity.
It reflects how we envision the future and what impact we aspire to make through the platform to change the world.
The core concept is envisioning/aiming to create a future where queer Muslims are included, engaged and embraced.
Our approach to achieving our vision and how we will do it.
Skills, tools and services.
Inform, support, connect.
Yours' values align with Maruf's but are directed towards young queer Muslims. Values resonate with their interests and challenges they can identify with and relate to. Yours' values are about the target audience - they solve their problems, giving them a reason to stay on the platform and connect with us.
Tone of voice & Style
The tone of voice is simple, natural and genuine - it echoes pride and confidence but with a humble voice. Our tone talks directly to queer young people creating an emotional connection, especially on social media, to give the feeling that our voice is their voice. Messages are communicated as a conversation using you and we.
Young queer people learn about their identities from other queers, fellow students in school or friends. Not from teachers, educators or parents. We want to be one of them.

Yours. By Maruf gives a voice to talk about previously hidden things in a safe environment making the audience feel comfortable enough to discuss the parts of themselves that they discovered or were buried in shame.
An impactful phrase conveys the platform's core message, utility, value, and personality.
Inspired by our vision, mission, and values to be communicated consistently on social media and online communication channels.
Visual Identity
Reflects the platform's personality and style. The font is used on social
platforms (Instagram templates, videos content and copy, visual text in general) — the goal is to keep consistency and maintain the same impression about the platform at every customer/user touching point.
Max of 4. The colours reflect the platform's culture and personality.
Content is visually consistent and cohesive. Include a range of diverse models, so that anyone can see themselves reflected in the website.
Het heeft een helende werking op mijn ziel gehad om in zo'n intieme setting te leren.
"Elke bijeenkomst voelde als een warm bad; ik voelde me erg op mijn gemak. Het heeft me veel nieuwe inzichten opgebracht. Omdat je met de groep in een soortgelijk schuitje zit, voel je je erg verbonden met elkaar. Het heeft een helende werking op mijn ziel gehad om in zo'n intieme setting te leren én reflecteren over onderwerpen waar je in je dagelijkse leven niet bij stil staat. Voor mij is QMEP het begin geweest van een veelomvattend proces. Het zaadje is nu geplant. Het moet nu nog verder groeien."
Stories By Yours.

A short description of this section - what the stories are about, who the main characters and why their stories are inspiring.
"Het proces van zelfacceptatie kan lang en zwaar zijn. Erover kunnen praten met lotgenoten kan het veel makkelijker maken. Toen ik me aanmeldde voor QMEP had ik mijzelf al jaren geaccepteerd, als homoseksuele jongen. Bij aanvang dacht ik dat ik daar met name kwam om anderen te ontmoeten. Gaandeweg kwam ik erachter dat ik daar kwam om mijzelf te kunnen zijn. Eindelijk was er een plek waar je niks hoefde uit te leggen. Het allerfijnste is dat ik nieuwe vrienden heb kunnen maken dankzij Maruf."

Gaandeweg kwam ik erachter dat ik daar kwam om mijzelf te kunnen zijn.
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