What I do
More About Me
Content & social media strategy
Aligning companies' content efforts with their business goals. Designing and implementing integrated social media strategies with impactful content to find, connect and engage the right target audience.

A deep dive into your business goals to see how we can align your content to achieve them.
‍Researching: content audits, persona research, user journey analysis, content gap analysis, competitor research.
Planning: mapping content to the user journey, SEO strategy, editorial planning, social media strategy, user experience.
Creation: creating content, content management, distribution, and promotion plans.
Measuring: analysis and optimization.Introduce yourself, and add several paragraphs about your company's story. Who do you work with, what inspires your services? Add some details about what’s included in the service and what the client gains. A short, simple explanation of the advantage in two-three sentences.
High-converting copy for websites, email programs, and social media. Long-form content for blogs and white papers.
Words that converts visitors into customers, reaching the right audience in the right place.
Funnel optimized content
-Conversion web copy and landing pages
-Email & social copy programs
-Optimized blog posts and articles
Branding and marketing
Building brand awareness and strengthening brands' online presence through creative content, storytelling, and concept development/strategies that engage customers and create valuable leads.
Through my creative abilities, empathetic and innovative nature, I am able to develop a digital marketing strategy that strengthens a brand's online presence through branding strategies, creative content marketing, storytelling, social media marketing, web design, and Search Engine Optimization.
I help you tell your story, and I help make it matter.
The tone of voice The right medium, the right audience
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