Branding & Social Media Strategy

Two Stages

1. Brand Development
2. Social Media & Content Strategy
Brand Development
Creating a strategy with content that maps out how Vulture Vintage is different, trustworthy, memorable, and likeable by ideal customers. It will convey its purpose, promises, and how it solves problems for people.
The focus here is on establishing the brand's main elements; brand voice and personality, brand story and the target audience.
The elements are consistent in online communication, brand image, and customer experience, such as

1. Environment (Instagram page/online shop)
2. Print collateral, signage, and packaging
3. Website & online advertising
4. Content publishing, social media
5. Sales & customer service

The Golden Circle
After establishing the essential elements, we build an authentic connection with customers, making the content relevant to them, something they can identify with, therefore, feel the passion behind making every item.

What – products & services VV offers to customers
How – things that differentiate VV from others
Why – the reason you are passionate and why you exist

Why do you exist?
What differentiates you?
What problem do you solve?
Why should people care?

This stage is more relevant to the website; it's the space where people can learn more about the shop concept, story, values and the person behind it. It creates a human connection with the shop owner/creator simulating the customer experience in the physical store - an intimate experience the customer seeks but misses online.
A short phrase that reflects Vulture Vintage's personality without explicitly mentioning products or services - memorable, catchy and intriguing.
Inspired by the brand stroy to be communicated consistently on social media and online communication channels.
Consistent layout using brand's colours (echo the concept and personality)
The Instagram feed's main purpose is to create a relaxing, eye-catching, attractive impression that captivates and engages customers.
Showcasing products differently, without a price tag (yet), with a short, appealing caption.
Using different settings to show products (nature, street or studio) - various photo formats and colours.
Instagram Page
Instagram online shop is a separate page on the main Instagram profile where products can be listed with prices and more information about every product, shipment, packaging and all relevant information.
This way, the customer can shop freely and purchase easily without being exposed to too much information and long text on the main Instagram page.

Shoppable Instagram feed: (showing products on the main Instagram page with the option of direct purchasing) is a feature where people can press on items and direct them to the online shop).some Instagram pics can be made as such.

Showing products' prices and more info about every product.
Instagram Shop
Instagram & Content Calendar
Instagram and content calendar is an easy tool to create content, images, and write copy in advance.
Then schedule them to be posted regularly and consistently.This makes it easy to have content in advance, keep the page going and work on new content.
The calendar schedules posts on specific days and times based on the data collected regarding user engagement and the, page exposure and reach.
1. Website copywriting: includes the brand elements mentioned before and the products' descriptions. Converting copywriting is used here. Conversion copy narrows the focus of writing to a single goal—to convert, which means getting the reader to do something right then and there.
CTA (Call To Action) buttons will be added throughout the website and at each customer's touchpoint.

2. Social copy: Instagram captions posted on the main Instagram page. Informative, short and attractive aims to direct customers to the online shop.

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