Developing strategies with
creative content that
Developing strategies with
creative content that |

Hello, I'm Ashraf

Eager, upbeat & critical thinker
with a background in Engineering,
Communication Science degree from
the University of Amsterdam.
A minor in Business Administration
and Strategy Management.
Syrian by birth, Amsterdamer in spirit.
+5 years of experience working in
Marketing & Social Media

Hello, I'm Ashraf

Eager, upbeat & critical thinker
with a background in Engineering,
Communication Science degree from
the University of Amsterdam.
A minor in Business Administration
and Strategy Management.
Syrian by birth, Amsterdamer in spirit.
+5 years of experience working in
Marketing & Social Media

Content & Social Media Strategy
Aligning companies' content efforts with their business goals. Designing and implementing integrated social media strategies with impactful content to find, connect and engage the right target audience.

Content & Social Media Strategy
Aligning companies' content efforts with their business goals. Designing and implementing integrated social media strategies with impactful content to find, connect and engage the right target audience.

High-converting copy for websites, email programs, and social media. Long-form content for blogs and white papers.
High-converting copy for websites, email programs, and social media. Long-form content for blogs and white papers.
Branding &
Building brand awareness and strengthening brands' online presence through creative content, storytelling and concept development/strategies that engage customers and create valuable leads.
Branding &
Building brand awareness and strengthening brands' online presence through creative content, storytelling and concept development/strategies that engage customers and create valuable leads.
Less talk.
More Work.
It's time to see some work. Here are a few projects, pitch work and design explorations I've done for clients. Not everything but a sneak peek before I pull together some case studies.
Less talk.
More Work.
It's time to see some work. Here are a few projects, pitch work and design explorations I've done for clients. Not everything but a sneak peek before I pull together some case studies.
CJS Social Media Strategy
Creative Jam Session
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Dvision Website Content
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Creative Of The Month
Creative Jam Session
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Educative Queer Content
TikTok, Amsterdam Pride 2nd Loop collab
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Comunication Science — Meet The People Page
University of Amsterdam
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CJS Social Media Strategy
Creative Jam Session
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Dvision Website Content
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Creative Of The Month
Creative Jam Session
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